Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Photo Gift for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day. Love it or hate it?  I'm not a big fan.  Hubs and I don't go all out for it.  We make a meal together, or splurge on dessert, see a movie or stay in and cuddle. But sometimes all the hype and hearing about other's grand plans makes me feel like we're doing something wrong?

This year I'm spicing it up a bit and going to give him a little gift.  I've told him not to peek at my blog from here until V-day, so let's hope he listens to me so doesn't spoil his little gift.  This gift cost under $25 and took a little time to create - so nothing exuberant by any means.  I wanted to give something a little personal, that we could utilize in our home.  Still doing lots of home projects & decorating, we need wall art and I love photos, so I knew the path I wanted to take...

My friend, Lulu took a picture of us holding hands for one of her Valentine's-themed post (lots of fun photo ideas at her blog - A Candid Life), so with her permission, I used her photo in Photoshop to create something a little more artsy.

The Original Photo:

Post-Photoshop Fun:

Edited, Cropped, Sized to 8x10 and Personalized:

Next I'll frame it, wrap it and it's good to go!  What little gift things do you do?