Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 27 {At Least My Hair Looks Good}

My day 27 outfit post and home update in one?  I think my face tells you all you need to know about how it's all going...

Those are all our bedroom closet doors.  3 rooms worth of closet doors.  In our hallway.  Still waiting to be painted (a nice pretty white - these are just primed right now).  And that plastic in the background is blocking the entrance into all 3 bedrooms while the brand new beautiful white enamel on all the woodwork (that was once a gross dingy wood color) is drying.  I will all be worth it, I know.

But I'm really ready for my house back.

In other news, I got my hair trimmed.  1 inch off and boy does it make a difference!  Those ratty, devilish little ends be gone!