Thursday, September 16, 2010

T-T-Tucker for T-T-Target!

(I'm listening to P-P-Poker Face)

By now I'm sure you've all checked out the Tucker for Target collection in stores and online.  I got back from vacay and was told via Twitter that it was worth hitting it up, and I did.  Both the Rosa's were right. ;)

Here's what I tried on, walked away with and already wore:

Signature Dress in Diamond Print:

Signature Dress in Lawn Bird Print:

 Signature Blouse in Mosaic Print:

 And what I ended up buying? Though I really liked the dress and blouse style - they were just too similar to get both (I was feeling cheap...and trying to come in under $200 at Target this particular day...):

Wore of skinny/fitted jeans with lime green wedges.  Felt a bit like a peacock - which I LOVE!  I also think this shirt will look great with a skirt, tucked in, like how I tried it on.  This blouse is just so comfortable.  The (faux) silk feel nice next to my skin and flows off your body.  I like the draped-loose look.

 This top will also be great with those-shoes-I've-been-wearing-too-much.  They have some orange flecks in the patter (as well as purple), which is hard to see from my pics.

 Did you snatch anything from the Tucker line?